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The Old Mule

Old Mule Farms - Graves Station, Ga.

Blog posts October 2020

Shine On

A view from my back porch…

  Steady rains cross the old farm bringing us from one day into the next as we journey onward. Just as the old farm drinks to soothe the parchment of the season, I sit with coffee in hand patiently waiting a new day to take shape. We move from harvest time in this rev…

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Harvest of Dust

A view from my back porch…

  Just like that harvest time rolls through the old farm bringing it closer to this years close. That time where  dust brings the scents of dug peanuts through the air. Cotton is ready to pick and hay is being cut in grand fashion. Maybe it really isn`t a end to harve…

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A Mountain of Fog

A view from my back porch…

  Slowly I`m watching fog slithering through the old hollow this morning. Just like many times before it always comes in for some reason from the east making its exit just west of my back porch. There is a natural slopping hollow that runs along the middle side of the…

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3 blog posts