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The Old Mule

Old Mule Farms - Graves Station, Ga.

Blog posts

Spring Blooms

A view from my back porch…

   Early spring has come to the old farm. Colors with fragrant scents fill most all of this place we call home. The refreshing part of this cycle is the fact that such a ole friend as spring still comes each year and we still embrace it with the same heart felt intens…

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Thinking Ahead

A view from my back porch…

   Thoughts begin to emerge around the old farmhouse as we talk about this years spring garden. Now as winters garden draws closer our sights focus on what comes next. Necessity with need has always driven this farm so plans are important. Whether one considers it sur…

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Warming the Cold

A view from my back porch…

   It`s easy to sit by the old fireplace feeling its warmth watching the flickering flames. Whether early morning or late evening the shadows that make there way along the ceiling and walls of this log homestead continues to offer comfort on any cold day. Many blessin…

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Life from the Past

A view from my back porch…

  Wintertime is forge time here at the old farm. Forging raw stock whether small or large with old school techniques makes things sing come spring. From repairs to forging out needed items we still carry on the old school blacksmith trade as part of who we are. Our pa…

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Gifts Received

A view from my back porch...

  It`s Christmas time at the old farm. This time a year a warm fire fills the old farmhouse bringing a connection from the past to the present even though it is a common way with us. Our work continues but for now it is with a much more laid-back feeling. Family is hu…

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Cold Days

A view from my back porch...

  Frost covers most of the farm this morning for the last day of this month. Tomorrow is also the last month of the year which brings my thoughts to a much slower pace as the old farm slowly crawls into deep sleep for the winter season. With firewood stacked high and …

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A view from my back porch…

  It`s overwintering time here on the old farm. I have been busy tucking and mulching in our spring onions for next year's harvest. Come early spring these fresh sights will find their way onto the table along with many other early vegetables. Around here we still gro…

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High Winds

A view from my back porch…

  Each year at this time when wind comes staying high in the tree tops it brings us the first of colder temperatures. That was the early sounds of yesterday echoing through the south hollow beside the old farmhouse. Today we awake to a snappy crisp morning here on the…

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Gathering Firewood

A view from my back porch…

  Our weather temperatures are changing here on the old farm. It's not yet cold enough to start building fires, but cool enough to spend a day or two gathering firewood. With a good stack of wood on the side porch when time comes is just a small sum of what we have st…

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Calm Appearance

A view from my back porch…

  The last hay for the year is stored away in the barn ready to feed hungry farm animals as the advancing season heads this way. With a little more summer to go fall makes a few appearances subtle I might add, but shortly the horizon will change bringing that much nee…

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The Last Gate

A view from my back porch…

  With a calm and gentle start this day is sure to emerge into a normal day across the old farm. As I look just past the last gate south a new pasture sets against the horizon for tomorrow leading today closer with each step. Chores will get done through out today wit…

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Still the Toll

A view from my back porch…

   Yes, time does stand still here on historical Old Mule Farms, although there are a few things that change. No doubt that our weather patterns have been changing for years now. For the most part we have been able to adapt along with such making our farm production f…

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Lonesome Roads

A view from my back porch…

   You know the only way I have ever known to be able to have something or get something as well as to be able to achieve anything is you have to work for it. There is no excuse for sorry laziness at any age. This old farm was not built on such nor will it ever be. Th…

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Changing Speed

A view from my back porch…

   Busy has been the normal around here for weeks now. Shuffling through summers heat woven around multiple chores brings most days along at different speeds. Also with the loss of a love one bringing change through open doors that over time will close again just as o…

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Waters Edge

A view from my back porch…

  The old farm has been blessed with a rainy season over the last several weeks. What was dry is now awakened with new life. A flourishing foliage has emerged from somewhat of a dormant sleep, just in time to welcome summers edge. This farm has seen many weather cycle…

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Watch and Learn

A view from my back porch…

  As with anything in life learning is important as well as timely if spent right. One can learn if they watch others who controls the lighted level for a precise measurement. Leasons are not just for children. For you see here on the old farm a natural classroom sets…

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Emerging Faith

A view from my back porch…

  May emerges just about as fast as April left us. Yet steady the old farm grows faster in foliage and garden vegetables just right to satisfy a days work with progress to show. The years have been good and with that comes recognized blessings that go acknowledged gui…

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Oil Time

A view from my back porch…

  Time has been spent in the old blacksmith shop making repairs on farm tools and implements. With spring here along with some early planting these repairs are just in time for making the old farm sing like new. You know satisfaction comes in many ways, for me it ring…

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Shades of Spring

A view from my back porch…

  With sights and smells of summer on the horizon the old farm resonates the best the south has to offer. In fact what could be more normal as shades of green open the next chapter on this road we call life. Springtime has found its way to the farm once again just in …

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Country Joy

A view from my back porch…

   With plow in hand I want to tell you that joy comes in many forms. We start our beginning spring garden by working up the soil. Turning under last year to reveal what this year has in store. The smells of fresh dirt, the warmer weather of early spring in the south …

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20 blog posts