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The Old Mule

Old Mule Farms - Graves Station, Ga.

Shaded in Time

A view from my back porch…
Yesterday I was working on top of a barn roof gazing out over old growth oaks draped with silver moss. Such sights were common here in the deep south, many gone with time, but never forgotten. Pondering on the shaded lane that winds through the massive oaks one could almost catch a glimpse of a buggy coming toward the big house bringing some important news for the rural south to consider. Might be news of an advancing army invading from the north making its way into Dixie, or news of some lighter more quieter nature. Either way, those sights and sounds still echo if only one will look in the right places.
For now, the news from up north is colder weather breathing down upon this place that I call home. With split wood and a good fireplace, time will stand still once more for these old eyes……………….Dan

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